Posted by Scott Mitchell | Jul 28, 2016 |
DUI is the acronym for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. As it states right in the name, the crime involves actually operating a motor vehicle while drunk, something only the driver can do. Passengers should be completely safe from any legal repercussions if they encounter law enfo...
Posted by Scott Mitchell | Dec 22, 2015 |
Nothing can ruin the holiday season quicker than an untimely arrest for driving under the influence (DUI). This time of year typically brings about a higher concentration of impaired drivers on the roads, as holiday festivities oftentimes involve drinking. Modesto law enforcement knows this, and ...
Posted by Scott Mitchell | Sep 11, 2015 |
For many Americans, Labor Day weekend is a fun time to relax with family and friends. Since more Americans are off work and traveling during holiday weekends, the unfortunate side effect is that an increase in drunk driving occurs. To combat this, law enforcement will typically up their presence ...
Posted by Scott Mitchell | Jan 23, 2015 |
As the days tick down toward the battle between the Seahawks and the Patriots, people across America are planning equally exciting Super Bowl parties. Unfortunately, these parties often become an excuse to load up on alcohol and most fans fail to make any plans for getting home after the festivit...
Posted by Scott Mitchell | Dec 02, 2014 |
You had a drink or two at your best friend's party and are now heading home. You're pretty certain you aren't over the legal limit, but what if you happen to swerve over the line and get pulled over? Will the officer automatically suspect that you're driving while intoxicated?
The National Highw...
Posted by Scott Mitchell | Dec 04, 2013 |
Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is a serious criminal offense in California. Now, more than ever before, law enforcement officers throughout the country are intent on cracking down on impaired motorists and reducing high rates of preventable accidents, injuries, and fataliti...
Posted by Scott Mitchell | Oct 22, 2013 |
California has led the way in enforcing some of the nation's harshest driving under the influence (DUI) laws. Although DUI cases can vary significantly depending on the unique facts involved – such as the specific charge and one's criminal history – there is no denying the fact that when individu...