Protecting Your Home from Foreclosure
Regardless of the circumstances that brought you to the point of foreclosure, our firm's first priority will be on fighting for you and your future if you choose to work with Scott Mimtchell Law Incorporated.
If you are afraid that eviction and foreclosure may be in your future, then it is important to remember that you are not alone. Each year, thousands of Americans face foreclosure and their homes are sold. According to California law, homeowners cannot legally be evicted from their homes until the foreclosure sale is completed. Once the sale is finalized, you will have 30 days from the sale date to move before eviction actually starts.
Assessing Your Possibilities
Did you know that there are ways that you can avoid foreclosure? One of the best ways to stop the foreclosure process in its tracks or prevent it from ever beginning is to work with a Modesto bankruptcy attorney from our firm. At Scott Mitchell Law Incorporated, we aim to help our clients assess their financial situation and help them either file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy or reorganize their finances through debt management and counseling.
If the foreclosure process has already begun on your property, then, by obtaining the assistance of Scott Mitchell Law Incorporated, you will be able to receive an automatic stay on your home, which means that all creditors' collections attempts and efforts to seize your property will be stopped the moment you file for bankruptcy.
If you are granted an automatic stay, then the creditors involved in your case will have to request a motion from the bankruptcy court to lift the stay before proceeding with the sale. With the assistance of our firm's Modesto bankruptcy attorney, you can fight the creditors and attempt to keep your home. Sometimes, these motions to lift are not granted for four months, which will give you ample time to reevaluate your financial situation.
When should I contact a Modesto bankruptcy attorney?
The moment you find out that foreclosure action is being taken against you, you need to contact an attorney. In California, it can take up to three months before the foreclosure sale actually begins. Within this time frame, if you wait until the end of the second month to file for bankruptcy, you may still face foreclosure on your home. The moment you feel that you may be facing foreclosure or you receive a foreclosure notice, you need to contact our attorneys.
With years of experience in assisting families in Modesto and the surrounding communities, we are equipped with the right experience to help you. You can count on us to help you achieve the best outcome possible. Call today to talk with our bankruptcy lawyer and to schedule your free case evaluation. Let us help you fight against home foreclosure!