Modesto DUI Lawyer Fighting for Your Freedom
Did you know that your DUI charge can be escalated from a misdemeanor to a felony DUI?
If you were involved in an accident that caused serious injuries or the untimely death of another person while you were intoxicated, you can assume that you will be charged with a felony DUI. Also, if your blood limit exceeds the legal limit, you may, based on specific circumstances, face felony DUI charges.
Possible Penalties You Can Face
Felonies are extremely serious crimes that, if convicted, can leave you facing:
- Prison time
- License suspension
- Heavy fines
The major consequences of a felony conviction are distinctively different than those of a misdemeanor conviction. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, you can serve your sentence in jail; if you are charged with a felony, however, you will have to serve your sentence in prison. Felony DUI convictions will usually result in the convicted person having to spend a considerable amount of time on probation, as well as loss of driving privileges and may even result in their license being revoked.
Under California Vehicle Code §23135, the person driving under the influence of alcohol who was the cause of the accident may be subject to a felony DUI. If your accident directly resulted in the bodily injury of another person, you may be charged as well; however, under California's sometimes confusing personal injury laws, bodily injury can mean many different things. As long as the person who was not the driver in the accident feels any more pain than a "shook up" feeling, the court may be able to convict you of a felony DUI because you caused someone bodily harm.
How do you defend yourself against a felony conviction?
The first step you need to take after an arrest is to quickly obtain the legal counsel of an experienced DUI attorney. California has some of the highest DUI statistics in the United States, which is why it is absolutely imperative that you work with our firm to ensure that your rights are being upheld. Even if you are "guilty" of a DUI, you still deserve fair treatment, and our firm will help ensure that you receive it.
Do not hesitate to contact our legal team as soon as possible and work with an experienced Modesto DUI lawyer today. Schedule your free case evaluation as soon as possible.