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What Happens When a DUI Involves an Accident?

Posted by Scott Mitchell | Dec 04, 2013 | 0 Comments

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is a serious criminal offense in California. Now, more than ever before, law enforcement officers throughout the country are intent on cracking down on impaired motorists and reducing high rates of preventable accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Despite new focused anti-DUI efforts, nationwide campaigns, and stiffer penalties for offenders, DUI continues to remain one of the most common criminal offenses.

Although any DUI allegation – including first-time charges – can result in harsh, long-term repercussions, there are a number of situations that can result in elevated charges and enhanced penalties. These situations are referred to as aggravating circumstances, and may include:

  • High blood alcohol content (BAC) levels
  • Chemical test refusals
  • Accidents and hit-and-run accidents
  • Child passengers
  • Injuries
  • Fatalities

When any of these circumstances are involved in a DUI case, prosecutors will often pursue elevated charges and / or penalties.

Charged with a DUI involving an accident in Modesto?

If you or your loved one has recently been charged with DUI involving an auto accident, including either a single vehicle accident or multi-vehicle accident, you can expect aggressive prosecution. In some situations, charges can be enhanced greatly. When an accident is serious enough to result in injuries or fatalities, for example, DUIs may become felony offenses with mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment. When this is the case, you should be intent on working with experienced Modesto DUI attorneys who know how to protect your future.

At Scott Mitchell Law Incorporated, our legal team has successfully resolved a wide range of DUI cases, including those involving accidents and other aggravating circumstances. We are prepared to review your case, determine your available options, and inform you of the ways in which we can create an effective defense. Our firm represents clients throughout Modesto, Stockton, Turlock and the surrounding communities of California and offers flexible payment plans.

For more information about your DUI defense, call (209) 418-7386 for a FREE consultation.

About the Author

Scott Mitchell

If you expect nothing but the best for legal representation in any of these areas, you should contact Attorney Mitchell as soon as you realize you need assistance. He and his firm have handled more than 4,000 cases in the areas the law he practices, so you can be confident in him and his team.


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