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Criminal Defense Attorney Profile

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Experienced Criminal Defense in Modesto, CA

Scott Mitchell is a highly professional criminal defense lawyer who is committed to providing the residents of Modesto, Stockton and Turlock, California, and  Tuolumne, Amador, and Calaveras Counties, with the professional representation that they deserve. He has spent many years upholding the rights of the criminally accused, considering himself a negotiator and fighter for those that have enlisted the help of his firm. He has found that  practicing criminal law is particularly rewarding because has seen all too many cases in which law enforcement has overstepped their boundaries, so he enjoys working toward the goal of justice being carried out in a fair and reasonable manner.

In order to do so, he takes a strategic and aggressive approach to defending his clients' best interests—whether it be during pre-trial negotiations or in the courtroom. No one understands how daunting the criminal process can be better than Attorney Scott Mitchell, however, so he makes an effort to provide his clients with the compassionate and dedicated representation that they deserve, as well. This not only helps him to develop trusting relationships with the people who have asked him for his help, but it prompts him to provide tailor-made solutions for each and every case that he takes on. Why hire Attorney Scott Mitchell? Mr. Mitchell has encountered countless people that are embarrassed or ashamed when they have been arrested, but mostly because of the bad reputation that it may portray. He wants his clients to know that just because they have made a mistake, it does not mean that they do not have rights. Specifically, he believes that "due process protections should not be watered down simply because a particular type of arrest is unpopular." As such, he will do whatever he can to provide his clients with the defense that they deserve. He is confident in his abilities, both in and out of the courtroom, so you can rest assured that your case will be handled in a highly professional manner regardless of what obstacles you may face. To find how Attorney Scott Mitchell can assist you in fighting your criminal charges, contact the firm today.

Scott Mitchell Law also assist with cleaning up your arrest or conviction record. We handle expungement of criminal records in Modesto, Turlock, Ceres, Stockton, and all of Stanislaus County, San Joaquin County, Amador County, Calaveras County, Tuolumne County, Merced County, and Alameda County. 

Fees and Payments

Here at Scott Mitchell Law Incorporated, when it comes to fees and payments, we strive to be flexible with clients who are seeking legal representation. We offer payment arrangements, flat fee contracts, and traditional retainer agreements. We understand legal representation is necessary for all, and yet difficult for most to pay the fees all at once. Although we cannot guarantee that everyone will be able to hire us, we do promise to do what we can to make it possible for you to hire one of our attorneys to represent you.
