The New Year is a time for self-reflection and positive change. For many, this may mean getting in shape, eating healthier, and ending unhealthy habits. For others, it can be an excellent time to make concerted efforts to gain control of one's finances. Just as your physical health is important, so is your financial health. If you are struggling with insurmountable debt, foreclosure, or other economic hardships, making the effort to evaluate your available options can help you start 2014 on the right foot.
At Scott Mitchell Law Incorporated, our Modesto bankruptcy attorneys know full well that many individuals and families are overwhelmed by the prospect of filing bankruptcy or pursuing other debt relief actions. For this reason, we make it a point to work closely with clients, carefully evaluate their current financial picture, and inform them of the available options best suited to their needs and goals. For example, we are prepared to help local individuals, families, and businesses find solutions to problems such as:
- Foreclosures and Underwater Mortgages
- Excessive Debt
- Debt Collection
- Wage Garnishment
- Creditor Harassment
- Second Mortgages
Bankruptcy law was designed to benefit consumers struggling with debt. Which Chapter you file under or which action you choose to pursue, however, will depend heavily on your current financial situation, your economic needs, and your personal goals. Our legal team helps our clients make informed decisions about their futures, and we guide them step-by-step through their legal and personal journeys by handling all complexities on their behalves and providing them with the tools for long-term success.
If this New Year is one during which you want to gain control of your economic health, eliminate debt, and secure the financial fresh start you need, allow our experienced and attentive bankruptcy lawyers to help you navigate the process. Scott Mitchell law Incorporated offers flexible payment plans and serves clients throughout Modesto, Stockton, and the surrounding communities.
For a FREE consultation, call (209) 418-7386 today.
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